Tel: (919) 423-3486

"Welcome to Tom Garner Kennels, your #1 source for the highest quality pit bulls available on the planet today. We have produced more noteworthy dogs and satisfied customers in the past 45 years than any other Pit Bull breeding kennel on the planet. The APBT breed standard stipulates that our dogs must be completely people friendly, intelligent, stable, athletically superior and uncompromisingly courageous. We will not compromise on any of these criteria. We breed to a standard, not for a particular purpose. We believe that faithfully breeding to a well-reasoned set of ideals best serves both man and dog."

Take a tour of our yard both past and present and see why we are producing the best bulldogs in the world today.

Redboy x Miss Ginger II (1-20)

Redboy x Miss Ginger II (1-20) Breeder: Tom Garner Kennels
Owner: Tom Garner Kennels
Color: Red Fawn and White
D.O.B.: 08/06/2019

Redboy (see video at is an extremely driven athlete of a higher order. He meets and exceeds the standards of his illustrious pedigree. Genetically, he is deep and wide in the best of the Cottingham blood. His sire Redman is a probable candidate for "best all time" Cottingham dog and Redboy is a double-bred son of this fantastic producer. Breed Redboy to his sister Garner's Ginger to produce Miss Ginger II, then breed Miss Ginger II back to Redboy and the outcome is the highest concentration of Redman genes ever assembled. If your objective is to capture the Cottingham's Redman genetics in a single litter, look no more...this is it. The result is a phenomenally tight, high quality Cottingham's Redman litter that promises to keep the Cottingham magic alive and well. This bloodline has a long tradition of putting world class bulldogs on the ground. I have one male pup available for $2000.

Garner's Tramp Redboy x Miss Ginger II Pup
First Second Third Fourth
Garner's "Tramp Redboy" Cottingham's "Redman" Cottingham's "Boomer" Lanier's "Rex Boy"
Swinson's "North Carolina Rose"
Cottingham's "Ginger" Bass "Tramp Red Boy"
Marlowe's "Brandy Girl"
Garner's "Gloria" Cottingham's "Redman" Cottingham's "Boomer"
Cottingham's "Ginger"
Garner's "L'il Cherry" TVK's "Rusty Rebel"
Garner's "Cherry"
Garner's "Miss Ginger II" Garner's "Redboy" Cottingham's "Redman" Cottingham's "Boomer"
Cottingham's "Ginger"
Garner's "Gloria" Cottingham's "Redman"
Garner's "L'ilCherry"
Garner's "Ginger" Cottingham's "Redman"
Cottingham's "Boomer"
Cottingham's "Ginger"
Garner's "Gloria" Cottingham's "Redman"
Garner's "L'il Cherry"

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