Redboy x Ginger (1-20)
Breeder: Tom Garner Kennels
Owner: Tom Garner Kennels
Color: Red Fawn and White
D.O.B.: 11/14/2019
Redboy (see video at is a highly driven athlete of a higher order. He meets and exceeds the standards of his illustrious pedigree. Genetically, he is deep and wide in the best of the Cottingham blood. Redman is a probable candidate for "best all time" Cottingham dog and Redboy is a double-bred son of this fantastic producer. Take Redboy back to his sister Ginger and the offspring are 75% Cottingham's Redman. Add TVK's Rusty's contribution through the Redman x Susie theme, and the result is a phenomenally tight, high quality Cottingham's Redman litter that will make waves wherever they go. This bloodline has a long tradition of putting world class bulldogs on the ground. These pups are available for $2000 each.
Garner's Redboy x Ginger Pups
Garner's "Redboy"
Cottingham's "Redman"
Cottingham's "Boomer"
Lanier's "Rex Boy"
Swinson's "North Carolina Rose"
Cottingham's "Ginger"
Bass "Tramp Red Boy"
Marlowe's "Brandy Girl"
Garner's "Gloria"
Cottingham's "Redman"
Cottingham's "Boomer"
Cottingham's "Ginger"
Garner's "L'il Cherry"
TVK's "Rusty Rebel"
Garner's "Cherry"
Garner's "Ginger"
Cottingham's "Redman"
Cottingham's "Boomer"
Lanier's "Rex Boy"
Swinson's "North Carolina Rose"
Cottingham's "Ginger"
Bass "Tramp Red Boy"
Marlowe's "Brandy Girl"
Garner's "Gloria"
Cottingham's "Redman"
Cottingham's "Boomer"
Cottingham's "Ginger"
Garner's "L'il Cherry"
TVK's "Rusty Rebel"
Garner's "Cherry"