Redboy x Birdie Sparrow (1-20)
Breeder: Tom Garner Kennels
Owner: Tom Garner Kennels
Color: Red Fawn and White
D.O.B.: 11/29/2019
This breeding represents a significant deperture from my usual breeding formulas. I was able to secure a breeding to a very fine animal named Jack Sparrow from a friend and fellow breeder, Alberto Ramirez. Alberto is one of the finer breeders today and is intellectually gifted. We enjoy sharing ideas and decided we would share some of our dog's genetics as well. I like Jack Sparrow for his athleticism, intelligence and determination. He seemed like a natural candidate to add some genetic diversity to my Tramp Redboy breedings. I chose Tami from Redboy to breed to him, produced a nice litter, raised them and I chose a nice female, Birdie Sparrow, to breed back to Redboy. I am expecting some serious athletes and overall high quality pitbulls from this litter. In order to get them into good hands to evaluate their quality, I am making them available for $1500. I believe this breeding will end up being the first of many of this type.
Garner's Redboy x Birdie Sparrow Pups
Garner's "Tramp Redboy"
Cottingham's "Redman"
Cottingham's "Boomer"
Lanier's "Rex Boy"
Swinson's "North Carolina Rose"
Cottingham's "Ginger"
Bass "Tramp Red Boy"
Marlowe's "Brandy Girl"
Garner's "Gloria"
Cottingham's "Redman"
Cottingham's "Boomer"
Cottingham's "Ginger"
Garner's "L'il Cherry"
TVK's "Rusty Rebel"
Garner's "Cherry"
Garner's "Birdie Sparrow"
RBJBT Kennels' Jack Sparrow
Joe D's "Red Pirate"
Hollingsworth's Miss Prince
Wildsides's "Peppermint Patty"
DVN's "Miss Blitz"
DVN's "Blitz"
DVN's "Spice"
Garner's "Tami"
Garner's "Tramp Redboy"
Cottingham's "Redman"
Garner's "Gloria"
Garner's "Nadine"
Garner's & Weight in Gold's "Infrared"
Garner's Ginger